Stage One
Our Stage One exterior detail service is the perfect fit if you are looking to add clarity & shine and remove minor imperfections from your car's paint finish. Like our other exterior detail services, we start by washing the exterior to wash off loose dust, dirt, and road grime. We then proceed to remove embedded contamination from glass and painted surfaces by first applying our Iron Decon product to help chemically dissolve the iron. We then follow using the proper grade clay bar and a lubricant and glide it over the surfaces to remove the remaining embedded contaminants. This will leave the paint smooth and ready for the polishing process.
Our One Step polishing process will be completed using a Dual Action Polishing Machine, a soft-medium-dense polishing pad, and our Micro-Cut polish to level (remove) light imperfections (swirls, light water spots & stains, etc.) from your car's clear coat. The overall clarity and shine of the paint will be drastically enhanced.
To help protect the freshly polished paint, we will apply a coat of wax to help better repel contaminants, water spots, and stains from easily embedding and penetrating into the paint finish. The wax is also hand applied on all hard-to-reach areas where our DA polishing machine can't reach.
Is this service right for your vehicle
Our Stage One detail service is perfect if you are looking for more than what our Clay & Wax can deliver. The one polishing step will drastically increase the depth and clarity of your car's paint without sacrificing too much clear coat. It includes everything in our Clay & Wax detail service plus what makes this detail so much better, the One Polishing Step
Recommended Every
Even though polishing can make your car look like new. You want to minimize or even avoid the need to polish your car's paint. The more polishing you do, the more clear coat it's removed. Imperfections are not filled or masked by the products we use. To have scratches, stains, or edged areas removed, we need to mechanically remove the clear coat around the affected areas to the same depth (level) as the imperfection.
To maintain your vehicle looking its best frequent and proper washing is very important. After we complete our Stage One detail service, we can help maintain your vehicle every week or every 2 weeks. Please take a look at our Maintenance Washes.
Included Steps
100% Hand Wash
Exterior surfaces are rinsed with the perfect amount of pressure to rinse off loose dust, dirt, and road grime. Exterior surfaces are soaped with a highly lubricated soap with wax, our unique wash mittens, and the 2 bucket wash system to agitate stubborn road grime. The exterior is then rinsed once again to wash off loose contaminants and soap.
Rinse & Wash Wheels Face
Wheels are sprayed with wheel cleaner to loosen road grime and brake dust. Excessively dirty wheels are agitated with a soft sponge and soap. They are then rinsed with pressure to wash off road grime and brake dust.
Degrease Tires
Tires are sprayed with degreaser to loosen road grime and old dressing. They are then rinsed with pressure to wash off road grime and old dressing, leaving rubber ready to be dressed.
Scrub & Clean Exhaust Tips
In the rinsing and soaping process your vehicles exhaust tips are scrubbed and wiped to remove carbon deposits.
Chamois Dry Exterior
To dry exterior surfaces, a large synthetic chamois is passed over exterior surfaces with long strokes to minimize excessive friction and rubbing with the paint finish.
Chamois Dry Jambs
A designated synthetic chamois is used to dry door, trunk and fuel door jambs to dry surface.
Air Blow Exterior & Jambs
Using a high flow blower, exterior cracks and crevices are air blown to remove excess water. Door, trunk and fuel door are opened to air blow excess water.
Dress Tires
Using a water base dressing and a brush, tires are dressed to darken, add shine and protected them.
Wipe Clean Wheel Face
A designated microfiber towel and a spray detailer is used to wipe wheels clean and add clarity to finish.
Decontaminating Paint Finish
A iron remover product is sprayed on paint and glass surfaces to help loosen and remove iron deposits off the surfaces. We then follow using a highly lubricated chemical and the proper grade clay bar and glide it over the same surfaces to remove stubborn contamination.
1 Step Light / Medium Polish
Using a dual-action polishing machine, a soft-medium-dense polishing pad, and a compound/polish, every painted body panel is polished to remove (level) light to medium depth imperfections. (SUV, trucks, and vans roof isn’t polished)
Machine Wax Paint Finish
Using the same machine and pad, the wax is applied to the paint finish, painted surfaces, polish or chrome trim, and other surfaces on the body of the vehicle that can benefit from the wax.
Hand Wax Details
Using a small soft pad and the same wax, hard-to-reach paint, and painted surfaces are hand waxed.
Clean Windows & Mirrors
Windows and mirrors are cleaned with cleaner and a special microfiber towel to leave a streak-free and crystal-clear surface.
Detailed Vacuum
Utilizing a commercial-grade high suction vacuum and 3 specialty vacuum tools, interior surfaces are vacuumed to remove dust, dirt, etc. Our vacuum tools allow us to get to harder-to-reach areas. Air vents, cracks, and crevices get a more thorough vacuum. Carpet and cloth surface fibers are better vacuumed and groomed.
Dust Interior
Using a moist chamois interior, plastics, vinyl, and leather surfaces are wiped to remove dust.